A Warm Welcome from our Chairman
I hope you are keeping well during these extraordinary times.
I am delighted to welcome you to our first e-Newsletter which will provide regular updates on all the good things that Routes to Roots is doing for Poole’s vulnerably housed. The newsletter also gives us an opportunity to acknowledge and thank all the wonderful organisations and individuals who have provided us with their time, donations and grants, without which we could not exist.
We are blessed to have a dedicated team of volunteers and Trustees who tirelessly give their time and passion to make sure we achieve our long-term vision.
As many of you will know, work has now started on the renovation of our dedicated new drop-in facility in Hill Street. At Routes to Roots, we are very excited about the prospect of having a permanent and exclusive outreach centre for the very first time! We look forward to updating you on the progress of the work as we work towards opening.
I really hope you enjoy reading our first issue and we look forward to sharing all the exciting developments of our Hill Street renovations as they progress.
Warmest wishes
Revd. Pat Southgate
Chairman, Routes to Roots