Donate to Make a Direct Difference to the Homeless and Vulnerably Housed in Poole.
Routes to Roots, Poole’s only homelessness charity runs solely on donations. In order to maintain all our vital services and give support to those who need it most, the charity relies on the generosity of our individual and corporate supporters. Without your donations we simply couldn’t do what we do and we are truly grateful.
Every Penny Donated Goes Directly To Helping Someone In Need.
donate through CAF
donate online through the Charities Aid Foundation
direct debit
contact our office to set up a direct debit
become a member
support us by becoming a member
ways you can fundraise to support the homeless in Poole.
donate while you shop
free and easy way to raise money when shopping online
leave a legacy
leave a gift to Routes to Roots in your will
Don’t Forget!
Don’t forget you can boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate at no further cost to you!
Tick the Gift Aid box when you donate.
Fill in our online Gift Aid form below.
Call 01202 667880 to make a declaration over the phone.
In 2022-23 we received a whopping £49,100 as a result of Gift Aid.