The Charity Routes To Roots
Who We Are
Routes to Roots is founded on Christian principles and supports rough sleepers, vulnerably housed (sofa surfers or in B&Bs) and newly housed (formerly homeless) adults in Poole regardless of their faith.
Everyone should have access to basic necessities. Everyone deserves to feel hope. With your support, we will always be there for those that need us, for as long as they need us.
We work with people at their most vulnerable, we are there for them at their lowest point. We pride ourselves on treating people with kindness, empathy and creating a friendly and welcoming environment. Routes to Roots aims to meet the immediate needs of each individual, to help them build support networks with peers and to give them access to the support they need to move forward.
We are primarily staffed by a wonderful army of volunteers and their commitment to helping others over the years has allowed us to make a difference to so many lives.
In recent years through generous donations from the local community and incredible fundraising efforts we have been able to buy and renovate a former methodist church – somewhere Routes to Roots can call home – our charity opened Poole’s first building solely dedicated to helping the town’s homeless and vulnerably housed on 21 March 2022.
The Genesis Centre on Hill Street is destined to become the hub for all support and help available locally from charities, churches and the local authorities – a one-stop place of change. 2022 was a landmark year for Routes to Roots – not only did we finally wholly own and operate such a fantastic building but we also celebrated our 20th anniversary and won the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.
What We Do
With your help we support people in the local area experiencing homelessness.
The Genesis Centre is a central hub for support in Poole. A friendly, welcoming space that offers food, warmth and a sense of community. Each week we offer an art and IT group as well as a women’s group. We offer access to professional help in terms of housing, health and wellbeing.
Providing Basic Necessities of Life: At the Genesis Centre we provide a nutritious hot meal five times a week, showers, laundry, access to computers, clothing, sleeping bags, and practical assistance for those moving into accommodation, as needed.
Prevention and Social Inclusion: We work with those who are currently housed to help minimise the risk of repeated homelessness.
Engaging the Local Community: We offer opportunities to groups, businesses and individuals to volunteer, support and fundraise. By giving presentations and talks about the charity’s vision and mission, our volunteers aim to inform, inspire and raise awareness in local businesses, schools, community groups, and churches.
Advocacy: We monitor the current situation for homeless and vulnerably housed people in Poole and act as an advocate for them with police, local government and services. We engage on a regular basis with other agencies working to end homelessness, such as the Homelessness Partnership in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Amos House
With the support of a national Christian social enterprise, Routes to Roots has previously offered supported accommodation to three of Poole’s rough sleepers.
Since 2015 Routes to Roots has been responsible for the ongoing management and upkeep of Amos House – a maisonette owned by Green Pastures.
For 5 years Amos House was a home for rough sleepers – who would then move on to their new more permanent accommodation.
Following the pandemic in 2020 and the opening of our new Genesis Centre, we decided to allow a refugee family to occupy Amos House and we are grateful to Green Pastures in supporting us with this new venture.